Forms and Resources
New Hire:
New Employee Orientation (Will need to download before opening)
Employee Self Service: Using Google Chrome as your browser, type in the web address box.
2024 W-4 (Federal) - Also on Etrieve
2024 SC W-4 (State) - Also on Etrieve
IRS Tax Withholding Estimate Calculator - It will be very helpful to have your last paystub when you use this website. You should be aware that you may not receive a large refund when using the new calculator since the IRS goal is to have you pay only as much as you owe. Please see your tax preparer for any assistance or questions.
I-9 form - 2 forms of identification must be presented, i.e., Valid, current South Carolina Driver's License, Social Security Card, Current Passport.
TB Test form - The process of school staff getting tested for TB is in regulation SC 61-22. It is very specific and may not be a test performed at any clinic. DHEC 1420 form must be used and it MUST be completed by a physician- NOT a nurse, NP or PA. This rules out going to a number of clinics to get the test done as they may not have a doctor available to complete the form such as a Minute Clinic which uses nurse practitioners. Please see the DHEC link: Regulation 61-22: The Evaluation of Staff of Schools and Child Care Centers for Tuberculosis
South Carolina Department of Education: