Student Transfers
For your convenience, the student transfer application is done online. You can access the transfer application by clicking on the following link. You may also access the online transfer application on the school district's webpage.
On the left side of the district webpage, you will click on the "Attendance – Apply to transfer child outside attendance zone" link.
Once you are on the transfer application site, follow the prompts to fill out the entire application.
First set up an account on the family dashboard.
After your account is set up, you will then be able to complete one or more transfer applications.
You must fill out a separate application for each student.
Setting up an account will allow you to access the site at a later date to add additional applications and/or check the status of an application.
Once your application is complete, you will go to the payment tab and enter your payment option.
You can choose to pay by credit card or debit card – checks or cash are not accepted for payment.
The student transfer request deadline is April 30th.
Generally, you will receive notification of approval or denial on the transfer application by August 1st, after class sizes are determined.
See the additional notes below concerning transfer applications.
Students who wish to attend a school other than their zoned school of attendance must submit an online application and a $10 non-refundable application fee.
A transfer request must be completed each year for each student.
Transportation is NOT provided for transfer students. Parents must provide transportation to and from school, if the transfer is approved.
Approval of applications will be granted for unique hardship situations and will be determined on an individual basis by the Executive Director of Planning and Accountability.
If there are documented patterns of truancy, late arrival and/or late pick-ups the transfer will be re-evaluated.
There is NO guarantee of approval.
If approved, this transfer may affect athletic eligibility. It is the parent's responsibility to contact the athletic director to make this determination.
You will receive emails from to notify you of the status of your application. It is important you read those emails carefully as additional information may be required to process your request. We encourage you to add to your trusted senders list. This will ensure that email correspondence from this site is not categorized as spam or junk mail.
Use the School Zone Finder link if you do not know your Zoned School of Attendance.
Click here to read our board policy related to student transfers.
For Student Transfer requests/questions contact Michelle Youngerman, Administrative Assistant to Deputy Superintendent at 803-283-0546.