Staff Newsletter Information


National Board Information

Updated Certificate Areas

National Board has made changes to standards in several certificate areas. While candidates were sent an email notifying them of the changes, firewalls sometimes prevent these emails from reaching their intended audience. The information of the changes are below.

Here are links to all three of the standards, along with addenda highlighting changes between previous and current editions:

EC Gen Standards

EC Gen Addendum

MC Gen Standards

MC Gen Addendum

LRLA Standards

LRLA Addendum

Upcoming Webinars

Teachers can register to attend any of our awareness webinars to learn more about the National Board Certification process or the Maintenance ofCertification process by visiting our website:

Initial certification webinars:

Oct. 7 Nov. 12 Dec. 5

Maintenance of Certification webinars:

Oct. 10 Nov. 14 Dec. 12

CERRA Promo Video: Check out the many opportunities!


video series

Coming Soon

Teaching Fellows Information

(The underlined content below includes hyperlinks to additional resources.)

  • Application window: October 1 - December 1 (Transcripts and Reference Surveys are due December 6th)

special olympics