Weekly Update

Monday, April 29, is an A-Day.

Spring pictures will be taken on Monday, April 29.

AJMS Cheerleading tryouts will be held the week of April 29 for rising seventh and eighth grade students. Anyone trying out must have a sports physical. For more information, see Mrs. Plyler for a tryout packet.


Ice will be here on Wednesday, May 01, for all lunches. Prices range from $4-$7, and both cash and card will be accepted.

The 7th grade Intermediate Theatre classes will be performing the one-act play Land Mine on Tuesday, April 30, at 6:30 p.m. The performance will be in the combined Theatre/Dance room on the middle school side of the VPAC. Land Mine is a play about the dangers and sacrifices sometimes encountered by soldiers at war. There will be no charge for admission, and the play will last approximately thirty minutes.

SC READY testing in reading, writing, and math, will be held May 7, 8, and 9 for all grades. A text-dependent writing field test will also be administered to all grades on May 23. Sixth grade students-only will also take the SC READY science exam on May 13. In addition, eighth grade students taking Algebra 1 will take their end-of-course exam on May 21. That exam will count as 20% of their final grade in algebra. The state of South Carolina requires that students participate in these exams.

Please make every effort to have your student at school for these assessments. Students should be prepared with a good night's rest, fully charged Chromebook, and breakfast each morning.

Students' technology is a major concern during testing. Students are encouraged to leave smart watches at home. Cell phones must be powered off and remain in the students’ backpacks during exams. Backpacks will be placed in hallways during testing, so your student may prefer to leave his or her cellphone at home.

Finally, it is very important that your child has access to a chromebook charger. Replacement chargers cost $45 and can be purchased in the media center.

Recovery will run through May 24. If recovery is not served by then, your child will be in danger of being retained in their current grade or will be required to attend summer school. Recovery is held on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school.

Rising 7th graders and 8th graders can now submit their request for Encore classes for the 2024-25 school year using the form on the school website. The forms are due by May 31 and must be verified by a parent or guardian. Email addresses for the consenting parent or guardian must be included on the survey request. Schedules for next year will be formulated using these requests, and no schedules that are created according to the request will be changed.