notepad with the words "Weekly Update"

Middle School basketball conditioning will be held for interested 7th and 8th grade girls each Tuesday and Wednesday of September from 3:45 p.m. until 5:15 p.m. Updated physicals are required. If you have questions, please contact Coach Cloud. 

Volleyball travels to Buford on Tuesday and Lugoff-Elgin on Thursday. Both games start at 5:30 p.m. Football hosts Chesterfield-Ruby on Thursday at 5:30 p.m. in a scrimmage. A reminder that a clear bag policy and metal detector screening will be used at all LCSD athletic events.

Kona Ice will be here on Wednesday for all lunches.

Our fall PTO fundraiser has begun, and order forms have been sent home. T-shirts in sizes youth small through X-Large are $15.00, and sizes 2X and 3X are $17.00. Hoodies in sizes youth small through X-Large are $30, and sizes 2X and 3X are $32.00. Stanley cup straw toppers are also being sold. If you have any questions please contact the main office at 803-475-6021.

Chromebook insurance can be purchased at the school for $30.00. The last day to purchase Chromebook insurance is September 30.

September is Attendance Awareness Month. We will celebrate great attendance all month. Every Friday in September, the homeroom with the highest number of students present and on time will receive a special treat during lunch. We want to recognize these students and award them for being present and on time every day. Remember: attendance matters!

Finally, and importantly, parents and guardians are not allowed to park in the high school parking lot after school in order to pick up students from the middle school. All parents and guardians are to come through the car rider line in order to pick up their students.