Student council elections are starting this coming week, and beginning Monday, students will be able to pick up election packets at lunch from the student council teacher-advisors.
Volleyball hosts A.R. Rucker for Camo Night on Monday. Volleyball hosts York Prep for Hawaiian Night on Tuesday. Football hosts South Middle on Thursday. All games begin at 5:30 p.m., and tickets can be pre-purchased on GoFan.
Middle School basketball conditioning will be held for interested 7th and 8th grade girls each Tuesday and Wednesday of September from 3:45 p.m. until 5:15 p.m. Updated physicals are required. If you have questions, please contact Coach Cloud.
Over the next two weeks, school counselors will be providing classroom lessons on required state laws.
School pictures will be Tuesday, September 17. For more information, see the flyer sent home last week.
Kona Ice will be here on Wednesday for all lunches.
6th graders will be attending a field trip to the Lancaster Multipurpose Building on September 24. Parents, please return signed permission forms along with $5.00 by Friday, September 20.
Parents of 8th graders interested in taking the PSAT on October 23, a registration form is available in the front office.
The MUSC Vax van will be at AJMS on Tuesday, September 24, to offer HPV, Tdap and meningitis vaccines to middle school students who are VFC-eligible (insured by Medicaid or are uninsured). Consent forms may be picked up from the school. The deadline to turn in consent forms is September 17.
Chromebook insurance can be purchased at the school for $30.00. The last day to purchase Chromebook insurance is September 30.
Remember, all reusable cups and water bottles must be completely empty–including ice–upon entering the building in the mornings. We will be asking all students to remove the lids from their bottles or cups as they come in. Factory sealed bottles must not have the seal broken. If the seal has been broken, the student will be asked to pour the contents out at the closest water fountain.
Finally, AJMS will hold its first Arts Steering Committee meeting on Monday, September 23, from 6:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. The Arts Steering Committee is an organization of parents, teachers, administrators, and students who work to ensure our school meets its students' needs in arts education and presentation in both the school and the Andrew Jackson community at large. Parents, students, community members, and AJ staff are all invited and encouraged to participate. The meeting will be held in the Theatre classroom in the VPAC building. Those who are interested but cannot attend in person should contact Harold Skinner at for information.