The Arts Steering Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, September 23, has been postponed to Monday, October 14, at 6:00 p.m. in the Theatre classroom in the VPAC. More details will follow in the coming weeks.
On Tuesday, Volleyball travels to AR Rucker for a match and then on Thursday hosts Buford. Both matches will begin at 5:30 p.m.
Football has a bye week and will return to action on October 2.
The AJMS Fine Arts Department in partnership with the AJMS Guidance Department and the National Alliance on Mental Illness will present a school assembly on the topic of bullying and mental health on September 24, 2024. We look forward to sharing information, resources, and words of encouragement with our students. Parents are welcome to attend. The assembly will be in the VPAC at 2:20 p.m. Please note the clear bag policy will be in place.
The MUSC vaccine van has been canceled for September 24. It will be rescheduled for a later date.
Kona Ice will be here on Wednesday for all lunches.
Student Council elections will begin this coming week. Students who are running for Student Body officers are allowed to hang campaign posters. Voting will be held Monday September 30. Results will be announced Oct 1.
Panorama survey opt-out forms were sent home with students on Monday, September 16. Please review the form and return it to school by September 27 if you do not want your child to take the survey.
The 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Chorus will perform at the Andrew Jackson High School football game on September 27 against Fairfield Central. Come see and support the AJMS Chorus as they perform the National Anthem and Alma Mater.
Chromebook insurance can be purchased at the school for $30.00. The last day to purchase Chromebook insurance is September 30.
Remember, all reusable cups and water bottles must be completely empty–including ice–upon entering the building in the mornings. We will be asking all students to remove the lids from their bottles or cups as they come in. Factory sealed bottles must not have the seal broken. If the seal has been broken, the student will be asked to pour the contents out at the closest water fountain.
Parents of 8th graders interested in taking the PSAT on October 23, a registration form is available in the front office.
This week is the last week for our Attendance Awareness Campaign. We have done great and this week had a four-way tie for 8th grade and also had several homerooms with 100% attendance for several days. Please remember–attendance is very important; do your very best to come to school every day. Also, being on time is the best way to start your school day. We are so proud of the high attendance we have had over the past few weeks. Keep up the good work. Remember, attendance matters.