note pad with words "Weekly Update"

Monday is a teacher work day. Students return to school on Tuesday and it will be a B day. Students will be given another schedule during homeroom to be reminded of second semester Encore classes. 

The school spelling bee will be held Wednesday at 9am in the AJMS media center. 

Our basketball teams host A.R. Rucker on Thursday in the VPAC. The girls game will begin at 5:30 with the boys game to follow. Tickets can be pre-purchased on GoFan.

Cookies will be sold at lunch this week for $1.00. 

Students will be MAP testing in ELA and math classes the week of January 13th through 17th. Please avoid making appointments that week if at all possible. It is important that students are prepared for testing each day by fully charging their chromebook each evening and coming to school on time each day.